Educational Scholarships
Tomorrow's Women
Assisting Young Women to Further Education
     A program has blossomed state of Guanajuato, Mexico
Mujeres en Cambio. For the past 6 years a small group of women are making a difference in the lives of the rural women in Mexico. Public education in Mexico is not free past the 6th grade. Junior high and high school are beyond the means of poor families. What frequently happens is that rather then burden the family with school costs the young boys seek work outside the home and the girls help their mothers. Most young women very early having limited vision of what else to do with their lives. What brilliant minds, great artists and educated citizens are lost because of this?
    Mujeres en Cambio opens a door to this talent through scholarships to young rural women who actively seek education beyond primary school. Funds are used for tuition, books, uniforms and transportation from the country to villages where secondary schools are located.
     Mujeres and Cambio volunteers provide monthly supervision. Grades are checked and funds for the upcoming month are distributed along with support on budgeting.
One girl at a Time
At the present time we have funds for only 60 to 70 young women.  There are hundreds waiting to receive scholarships but there are insufficient  funds to assist them.